Crystal Hefner On The Real Story Behind The Playboy Mansion & Life As A Playboy Bunny

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 392

  • @luxmuse5973
    @luxmuse5973 Год назад +190

    Everyone put it on 1.5 speed trust me!

    • @laylarahman11
      @laylarahman11 Год назад +18

      lmao so true

    • @ahoymate5059
      @ahoymate5059 Год назад +9


    • @Sheyshel
      @Sheyshel Год назад +10

      It's x2 for me!

    • @Yerpompous
      @Yerpompous Год назад +10

      I know!! I am fast forwarding they this so much because it’s so slow!!!!!

    • @meganmary92
      @meganmary92 Год назад +9

      She is painfully awkward I feel bad it’s hard to watch.. like explaining her childhood.. seemed hard for her to even remember.

  • @RM-bw8nx
    @RM-bw8nx Год назад +62

    Whenever I read one of the books by former Playboy girlfriends what I really want to know is what happened in your life that you thought having sex with a man 4 times your age was your only choice in life. Crystal's book explained it to me. The first part of the book detailing her life before she even made it to Playboy was just as interesting as the part when she made it to the Playboy mansion. I was actually sad when I finished the book. I highly recommend it.

    • @shannonsmith2642
      @shannonsmith2642 Год назад +5

      She just wanted that money and lifestyle.

    • @sarahlang2119
      @sarahlang2119 Год назад +3

      ​@shannonsmith2642 have you read the book? If not, don't opine ignorantly

    • @fantuckstic
      @fantuckstic 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@sarahlang2119 she admitted it in the book that she pretended with Hef. She used him to get that lifestyle.

  • @jae6335
    @jae6335 Год назад +25

    So she hated it all back then. Why not just say that she was with Hef for financial security? When I was 19, lived in a 3rd world country with limited opportunities and a poor family I want to take care of, if a rich man like Hef said to me, marry and at the end of my life you will get a mil for each year we remain married and live in the lap of luxury while we are together, I promise you, I wouldn't immediately dismiss it. I would think about it. When you have limited resources, the stuff at Maslow's hierarchy of needs is not most people's priority.

    • @Gail789
      @Gail789 6 месяцев назад +1

      These women were there for fame, success and money. Period. Hell they’re still cashing in with various books, appearances podcasts. They were able to leave and many did like Brande. Not buying these sad sob stories these women tell. Yes Hefner definitely had a dark side no denying that but they choose to stay.

  • @leeannmiller2404
    @leeannmiller2404 Год назад +105

    She always sounds flat and it's hard to keep listening to her.

    • @nicolesellingstuff
      @nicolesellingstuff Год назад

      She's drugged out. Acts weird in the majority of these interviews.

    • @mrsbee5056
      @mrsbee5056 11 месяцев назад

      She sounds tired,probably needs to recharge, She is usually a bit more vibrant,

  • @imahorseygal1
    @imahorseygal1 Год назад +39

    This is better than ambien!

    • @missmeganite
      @missmeganite Год назад +7

      On 2x speed it's still slow. Girl has zero personality

    • @mrsbee5056
      @mrsbee5056 11 месяцев назад +1

      Poor Crystal I was 31 when I got out of my 11 year abusive relationship and I am fifty plus now. Two tips 1 Dont drink it is the King of bad decisions and 2. Have 2 kids as you know when you are gone they will have each other, Teach them to be loving, but also street wise and sharp as foxes

    • @onlyonecaca
      @onlyonecaca 9 месяцев назад


    • @gymnast1910
      @gymnast1910 9 месяцев назад


  • @ahoymate5059
    @ahoymate5059 Год назад +94

    Crystal really needs some media training with her book tour. She’s a horrible story teller.

    • @adrieneceleste
      @adrieneceleste Год назад +8

      That’s so funny I was thinking that too! She needs some media training.

    • @ahoymate5059
      @ahoymate5059 Год назад +14

      @@adrieneceleste The publisher should have worked with getting her media training to prepare for her book tour. She's horrible at selling her book. I'm not interested in reading it at all.

    • @nicolesellingstuff
      @nicolesellingstuff Год назад +8

      That's because she had 1-2 ghost writers helping create a story from her notes. She's monotone and drugged out.

    • @sherylbarry9143
      @sherylbarry9143 Год назад +3

      I’ve seen some interviews that flowed well and a couple that I’m wondering if she was traveling a lot and tired from so many interviews. I’ve heard more positive on her book. Haven’t heard any negative.

    • @Yaya-qe8qo
      @Yaya-qe8qo Год назад +2

      She should stop looking down. Makes interview very difficult to follow & stay connected to. I have watched a few of her interviews and she definitely needs some coaching

  • @asiff098
    @asiff098 Год назад +43

    Did anyone else notice she said she started college in 2000, but she's now 37. That means in 2000 she would have been 14, I don't think she was at San Diego state at 14.... Something is not adding up, literally.

    • @Havingmybby
      @Havingmybby Год назад +5

      Lol probably doesn't know how to do math.

    • @dreamwhite2886
      @dreamwhite2886 Год назад +5

      Right! I’m 43 and started in 1999
      So, something is off

    • @ShelliMT
      @ShelliMT Год назад +11

      Something is off about her. She measures every word she says.

    • @nicolesellingstuff
      @nicolesellingstuff Год назад +14

      She's just as much of a narcissist/liar as Hef. She's trying to play like she is/was this shy introvert, BS.

    • @themulti-coloredcanary5795
      @themulti-coloredcanary5795 Год назад +6

      Something is wonky about the Polaroid story too. The timeline is off. It's possible she was under the influence of some substance, and is fuzzy on the dates. I know if it were me, I would have to be under the influence of some sort of substance to have sex with a man that is that much older than me.. That's just me 🤷‍♀️

  • @chrisroeck9306
    @chrisroeck9306 Год назад +48

    She is a spacy girl! Could not always follow where her story was going.

    • @nicolesellingstuff
      @nicolesellingstuff Год назад +7

      She contradicts herself constantly. She needs to just SAY she was there for opportunity, status and money. Point blank period.

  • @tatealexandra
    @tatealexandra Год назад +55

    Crystal seems a little... odd. It's like she has this soft-spoken, gentle, innocent persona she's trying to portray, and then she'll randomly switch to this deeper voice and say things with an aggressive tone. Very strange interview, she seems disingenuous. Maybe I'm just reading her totally wrong but idk.

    • @AbundantLightLeaders
      @AbundantLightLeaders Год назад +16

      I mean don't you have to be odd to have sex with a man 60 years older than you?

    • @Bambi568
      @Bambi568 Год назад +4

      She’s introverted and insecure. That’s all

    • @malibooo
      @malibooo Год назад +9

      I think maybe popped a gummy or was on medication beforehand to deal with her physical pain. She’s spoken about her chronic pain before.

    • @nicolesellingstuff
      @nicolesellingstuff Год назад +5

      You are correct. She's clearly on some type of drug. She acts out of it in these interviews for the book. For those who believe she's an introvert, go watch videos of her and Hef out in the public. NOT an introvert. She knew what she was doing and negotiated her come back to the mansion after leaving Hef.

    • @marthaj67
      @marthaj67 Год назад

      @@AbundantLightLeaders Yes, trade your dignity and sense of self-worth by having sex with a REPROBATE sixty years older than you _in return for (in)fame(y) and money._ *Don't forget there was lots and lots of money.* The whole wicked, degrading lifestyle is vomit-inducing.

  • @cherylb2008
    @cherylb2008 Год назад +46

    One of the things I look for in an interview is that the host lets the guest speak.
    The host has some sensitivity to what the GUEST is trying to express.
    The host doesn’t tell the guest how they MUST feel,
    Or describe the guests personal experience, for them.
    Labeling (“cult”)
    Or putting words into the guest’s mouth, does not constitute how they feel.
    The interviewer is not interviewing themselves or how they feel or How they IMAGINE that experience was for the guest.
    Crystal is obviously trying to reach some pretty deep memories and may have some conflicted feelings about the benefits and the draw backs of experiencing the Playboy culture.

    • @jae6335
      @jae6335 Год назад +5

      Thank you for saving me from making this same comment. On a scale of 1-10. This interview is a solid 1.

    • @JubiDC
      @JubiDC Год назад +5

      The interviewer is way too opinionated to be effective. She doesn't have a real desire to know the truth. She is too invested in her own soapbox!

    • @livingintheforest3963
      @livingintheforest3963 11 месяцев назад +2

      I agree with this I don’t think the interviewers are very good even though I like them. I don’t think they are pulling the right stuff out of her and the right interviewer could do that. Correct

    • @livingintheforest3963
      @livingintheforest3963 11 месяцев назад


  • @mqk1697
    @mqk1697 Год назад +54

    If she lacks empathy for others like Holly and Bridget, why should she expect we have empathy for her story? I believe most of her story but it’s difficult to have belief in her sincerity

    • @Mimixo421
      @Mimixo421 Год назад +6

      Weird how she switches her voice

    • @xxerubadhrielxx
      @xxerubadhrielxx Год назад +13

      Exactly she had nothing nice to say about Holly but has basically admitted she never loved hef. Holly did at least love him, it wasnt a healthy love but at least she cared for him.

    • @sabrini99
      @sabrini99 Год назад +7

      I don't buy this victim character at all. I'm sure at the time there was excitement like "Yay I was picked! I get to party with celebrities" and she acts like she didn't feel that. I'm sure she felt that in the moment and looking back she can see, "Whoa, I was party decor. "

    • @fantuckstic
      @fantuckstic 11 месяцев назад +4

      I don't believe her story. I think she is trying to get sympathy and figured she'd get it from copying Holly.
      I've never liked Crystal. She seemed fake when she was on the last season of GND. She's still fake.

    • @Mimixo421
      @Mimixo421 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@fantuckstic your on point . Crystal is a phony

  • @Marieee222
    @Marieee222 Год назад +8

    “$25 an hour which was decent back then” I -

  • @Benita399
    @Benita399 Год назад +13

    Crystal is confusing. I have seen a few other interviews of her about her book and in some of those Hefner is an evil man who uses women for sex etc etc in others he's not that bad and taught her stuff. Am I missing something?

  • @mikacoco2094
    @mikacoco2094 Год назад +50

    Is crystal ok? This is a very strange interview and I hope she will be fine 😊

    • @nicolesellingstuff
      @nicolesellingstuff Год назад

      She's drugged out and acts f'd up and out of it in the handful of interviews I've watched.

    • @rileyhalls9301
      @rileyhalls9301 Год назад +3

      She may have PTSD- I Can see why she would have it....

  • @buttery88cups
    @buttery88cups Год назад +51

    Basically she might have well just said she didn't actually love him she only married him for financial security and to fulfill her life at the time because that's basically what she hinted at. This interview was literally like waiting for the paint to dry on the wall... Waste of time and no sort of direct answer when asked a question. Sorry but just being honest. 🤷 Bridget and Holly would have been a better interview about the inner works of the mansion and Heff. Crystal is ugh ya. 😂

    • @Daanis99
      @Daanis99 Год назад +1

      But isn't that why young ladies fall for these older men in the first place ....perfect example with Anna Nicole and her billionaire and when she spoke of him you could see love in her don't see that with crystal tho...
      I feel bad for her and how uncomfortable she is but that's a me prob lol empath all the way

    • @buttery88cups
      @buttery88cups Год назад +6

      @@Daanis99 JMO there's a difference when you actually love/care about someone and with that relationship you reap certain benefits versus someone who doesn't care about someone but only using them for their own gain. Based off this interview alone and how Crystal talked about Heff it's not as if she loved or even cared about him but as if he disgusted her and she can't even provide a REASON to why she chose to date let alone marry him. I don't feel bad for her because even all his previous GFS said he was upfront and honest about what he wanted and his expectations, the door was open where they could leave anytime no one was holding them hostage and they chose to be there and so did she. I just wish she was upfront and honest instead of tip-toeing around it.

    • @jae6335
      @jae6335 Год назад +5

      Crystal, with interviews like this, no one will buy your book. Watch this and make notes on how to improve your next interview. Pls don't take this as me being mean.

    • @HeyItsAlli007
      @HeyItsAlli007 Год назад

      do u think ppl just dip out when things get abusive? ur making it sound a lot easier than it is. do u think hugh is genuinely in love with these 20 year olds too at his big age or do u not wanna admit he’s using them for their bodies too?

    • @HeyItsAlli007
      @HeyItsAlli007 Год назад +1

      she crossed the border and clearly u don’t seem to understand nuance but that does make her more vulnerable to exploitation for money. stop blaming women for getting exploited and stop vomiting out the same words hugh used to defend his abusive self. do better

  • @osxow1
    @osxow1 Год назад +303

    You should’ve interviewed Holly and Bridget instead of her

    • @exoticone42
      @exoticone42 Год назад +56

      It is possible for them to be interested in interviewing all of them, separately, to hear their own separate experiences, instead of constantly comparing them.

    • @Melmar4231
      @Melmar4231 Год назад +37

      Yea this was kind of a snoozer.

    • @exoticone42
      @exoticone42 Год назад +33

      I mean, I will agree, it was hard keeping focused. It felt like they had to literally pull the conversation out of her.

    • @heathergasol569
      @heathergasol569 Год назад +6

      Not a favorite episode of mine. I didn’t waste my time & moved on to another episode. Hefner & his Playboy bunnies never interested me.

    • @handyandy2618
      @handyandy2618 Год назад +19

      She is a lovely lady with a warm soul.

  • @GettinFiggyWitIt
    @GettinFiggyWitIt Год назад +32

    I'm going to repeat what has been said again and again in the comments - an interview with Bridget and Holly would have been much better. These 2 interviewers could have learned a ton more about the inner workings of the mansion and how traumatic the sex was by reading Down the Rabbit Hole. The female interviewer claims to have read so much about the Playboy experience- how could you have missed that one?
    I know people will say I'm perpetuating what Playboy stood for by saying this, but I don't think Crystal would have stood a chance to be the main girl or to marry Hef if he had been in better health. I think she knew this, and that's why she was so nasty to Holly and Bridget, and it's the reason she banished Bridget from visiting the mansion. She felt threatened by them, even with knowing they had moved on. Crystal has come across as standoffish or just weird in every interview I've seen of her. This even includes her own podcast with Marston as a guest.

    • @Mimixo421
      @Mimixo421 Год назад +1

      I agree with u

    • @dextermoore278
      @dextermoore278 Год назад

      How do you know that Crystal banned Bridget from the Mansion!??? I never heard that.

    • @patriciamontano60
      @patriciamontano60 Год назад

      ​@dextermoore278 people have said that towards the end of his life a lot of playboy visitors friends of his that had visited for years were turned away and they attribute that change to crystal but who really knows 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @dextermoore278
      @dextermoore278 Год назад +1

      @patriciamontano60 I don't think that Crystal had the POWER TO TURN PEOPLE AWAY FROM THE MANSION. I think Hef was very old and sick the last few years of his life and he probably didn't want people to see him in such bad condition.

    • @patriciamontano60
      @patriciamontano60 Год назад

      @dextermoore278 I said who knows, it could of been his wishes or hers only the people that were there and she knows now for sure

  • @melaniesheldon8013
    @melaniesheldon8013 Год назад +3

    Invisible disabilities are real. I have a brain injury and brain cancer.
    Solidarity to this wonderful woman ❤

  • @robinjohnson4646
    @robinjohnson4646 Год назад +4

    I’m listening to her book right now. She actually narrates it quite well, but her social anxiety is pretty evident, here. The book isn’t badly written, and it presents a clear case of narcissistic abuse. I wish her well.

  • @Fiftynine414
    @Fiftynine414 8 месяцев назад

    I grew up poor and struggled too. Suffered through all sorts of family devastations. I didn’t have the looks to sell myself to a rich old creep in exchange for wealth. I had to earn my own way. Thank God.

  • @kimbershark
    @kimbershark Год назад +5

    I’d much rather hear about her relationship with her ex Doug than Hugh Hefner. We all know why is she was with Hugh Hefner it was for status and money so of course she hated every minute of it. She didn’t love him that way.

  • @oceancat0450
    @oceancat0450 Год назад +11

    She is following Holly so close. The bad experience with Hef, a book.
    I just see her being the girl who actually married Hef because she was desperate enough.
    Podcasting is NOT in her future. I don’t know if she’s trying to Tom Sandoval it and have an obviously cringe “podcast voice” but it makes her stories about as interesting as watching paint dry.

  • @franniea
    @franniea Год назад +4

    A grown adult clout fame chaser obsessed with celebrities and riches Throwing pity party since she thinks shes past her prime poor me boo hoo nah She is a grown adult placing blame everywhere but not taking accountability for her life choices Nobody held her or forced her to stay in Hugh Hefners life Give me a break As far as having a rough life growing up who basically has not ?

  • @themulti-coloredcanary5795
    @themulti-coloredcanary5795 Год назад +8

    This is such a strange interview. I'm only about halfway through but the incongruency between the way she's speaking her body language and her leakage really makes me question a lot of her story. Why is it so difficult to get this information out of her? She knew why she was coming there right? She knew that y'all were going to talk about this right?

    • @rachaelkopp3792
      @rachaelkopp3792 Год назад +1


    • @sarahlang2119
      @sarahlang2119 Год назад +1

      She says in her book that she's uncomfortable doing media interviews and I can totally see why given the way some interviewers treat her

  • @tektako
    @tektako Год назад +9

    1. She was a dollybird at one of the parties volunteering to meet him.
    2. She joined the cult after the Shannon twins tapped out so he needed a new gf at 80+ yo.
    3. She was old enough to have done PLENTY of research before hand.
    4. No amount of grief or financial struggle would cause someone with a moral compass to get with a geriatric hardcore misogynist.
    5. This narrative where your morals go out the window just because you’re poor is utter BS.

    • @dextermoore278
      @dextermoore278 Год назад +1


    • @tektako
      @tektako Год назад +3

      @@dextermoore278 crystal is actually WORSE. None of the others actually married a dude old enough to be her grandfather

    • @bettywith2girls
      @bettywith2girls Год назад +1

      Holly definitely w-a-n-t-e-d to be married to Hef, but he wouldn't marry her.

    • @sarahlang2119
      @sarahlang2119 Год назад

      Read the book then come back and judge

    • @tektako
      @tektako Год назад +1

      @@sarahlang2119 no need.

  • @iLoveYourHair87
    @iLoveYourHair87 Год назад +45

    She seems so uncomfortable but also sounds like she has multiple personalities that keep changing throughout the interview., strange

    • @Mimixo421
      @Mimixo421 Год назад +11

      She changed her voice to sad and slow for sympathy

    • @dreamwhite2886
      @dreamwhite2886 Год назад +2

      Yeah.. I notice that

    • @HeyItsAlli007
      @HeyItsAlli007 Год назад +1

      this is common in abuse/trauma victims. they kind of get “out of it” to tell their story. from experience sometimes it’s too painful to not put on a face while reciting awful things that happened to you. people with ptsd are frequently called liars for this reason

    • @Mimixo421
      @Mimixo421 Год назад +2

      @@HeyItsAlli007 I don’t do that nor do pole who I know went through abuse nice try but crystal is not genuine it’s for clout and trying to make holly jealous I don’t like crystal

    • @HeyItsAlli007
      @HeyItsAlli007 Год назад

      @@Mimixo421 ok so u and whoever u know meanwhile me and all my friends with ptsd do similar so just bc YOU don’t doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. all victims present trauma responses differently. if ur a victim u should know this

  • @vickir237
    @vickir237 11 месяцев назад +1

    Great interview!

  • @lindsryan1087
    @lindsryan1087 Год назад +15

    She literally is saying the exact same things the way in which holly and worded them. I understand they both went through hell at the hands of this creep. But wtf. It’s like she listened to the girls next level pod and copy pasted.

    • @dextermoore278
      @dextermoore278 Год назад +1

      All the girlfriends of Hef say the same things about him. Hef was a controlling, mean Narcissist.

    • @lindsryan1087
      @lindsryan1087 Год назад

      @@dextermoore278 not word for word unless it was them blaming whoever the main gf was at the time but if you listen to
      The pod, crystal almost quotes her word for word.

    • @HeyItsAlli007
      @HeyItsAlli007 Год назад

      it could’ve just been that she heard what she said and it resonated with her bc they experienced the same shit at the hands of the same man. but idk.

  • @angiek1819
    @angiek1819 Год назад +10

    This is my first time listening to this podcast, and the interview is great. There’s way too many ads though.

    • @MadameFran330
      @MadameFran330 Год назад

      Oh yes ! Those ads are so invasive and so NOT in tune with the general tone of the interview !!! To the point I'm not sure I'd listen to that channel again.
      Interesting though ! And I don't know how you could earn a living or even cover your expenses otherwise... Don't know where the solution is... Thanks a lot anyway for a good interview !

  • @vashontaeylor
    @vashontaeylor Год назад +21

    Y'all must have taken some real acting classes to have hyped up your excitement for this interview so much in the beginning 😂 what we're you waiting for? Cause we all waited and got nothing. Waste of all out time lol I want my view back. Next time do literally anyone else from the entire history of playboy 😊

  • @GonkBoy66
    @GonkBoy66 Год назад +5

    Hold up, I’m 39 and didn’t graduate high school until 2002. How did she, who said she’s 37, go to college from 2000-2004?????????

    • @sylviam6653
      @sylviam6653 Год назад

      She probably meant high school ?

    • @anonymousviewer328
      @anonymousviewer328 11 месяцев назад +3

      None of her numbers have ever added up lol. She’s a liar

  • @ShelliMT
    @ShelliMT Год назад +10

    She’s very hard to listen to. I feel like she’s trying to come up with something to say. Maybe she’s blocking out memories? The San Diego State thing was weird. When she found out you both were familiar with San Diego, she became strange. Maybe it’s her introvert personality? I can’t hardly watch this, but I have to!!

  • @TheIcecaps
    @TheIcecaps Год назад +3

    It would be nice to see Crystal and Holly and Bridget get interviewed together

    • @anonymousviewer328
      @anonymousviewer328 11 месяцев назад

      They have an interview on the juicy scoop with heather mcdonald and they have a whole podcast together called “Girls Next Level”

    • @Marquelworld
      @Marquelworld 10 месяцев назад

      @@anonymousviewer328they said Crystal holly and Bridget
      They are not just talking Bridget holly together they wants all 3

  • @fantuckstic
    @fantuckstic 11 месяцев назад +3

    Crystal is nothing but fake! She knew what she was getting into with Hef. She complains about how Hef treated her, yet when Holly put her book out she slammed Holly and shamed her. Called her a liar. But how would she know? She wasnt there!
    But we are expected to believe her and her "abuse"?
    She admits that she faked her way into Hefs life.
    At least Holly truly loved Hef and wanted to make him happy. No way did she say that she "replaced" Holly , Bridgette and Kendra! They left on their own volition!! Wow! Crystal is so delusional. And egotistical.
    I cant stand Crystal.
    Also, Playboy is NOT a cult. Please Google what defines a cult. Playboy is NOT it.
    First, it jas to have some kind of faith system. And isolation from outside influence. Devotion to the leader. Think of Jonestown or NXIUM or Heavens Gate or even Scientology.

  • @marishear8792
    @marishear8792 Год назад +20

    Omg, this vocal fry is excruciating

  • @westcoast_wild
    @westcoast_wild Год назад +15

    It takes a lot to do press publicly and she's visibly quite introverted. Her story is so interesting because she was there in the final days and it's certainly worth hearing. I dont agree with everything she's said in the past about Holly and Bridget but people change and grow and this breaking of her silence feels like growth.

    • @nicolesellingstuff
      @nicolesellingstuff Год назад +1

      She's really not introverted. This is her ACT to accompany her victim book. Watch old videos of her with Hef when they go out in public. Not an introvert.

    • @amber-lynne9537
      @amber-lynne9537 Год назад +1

      She was just being a bitch to Bridget in her insta stories, not sure how that's growth 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @hartto1364
    @hartto1364 Год назад +22

    Crystal reminds me of amber heard

    • @Mimixo421
      @Mimixo421 Год назад +1

      Right !

    • @xxerubadhrielxx
      @xxerubadhrielxx Год назад +2

      Theres something so unlikable about her

    • @rachaelkopp3792
      @rachaelkopp3792 Год назад

      Yesss, it's giving what I'm trying to portray is not at all what/who she really is. She seems very manipulative & like she's trying to downplay a lot of her part of it all. Like she hated every second of it, but you stayed for 10 yrs. 🙄

    • @sarahlang2119
      @sarahlang2119 Год назад

      That is way harsh and I completely disagree with you

  • @alicebombeeck5384
    @alicebombeeck5384 Год назад +10

    The breast explant removal 'side effects' you all mention are SO relatable... It brings tears to my eyes 🙏❤️

    • @ummokayyy
      @ummokayyy Год назад +1

      Yesssss who tf still has a boob job in 2024 😂

  • @amyalvarado3762
    @amyalvarado3762 Год назад +1

    Thank you 💎✨

  • @BrokenWings92
    @BrokenWings92 Год назад +11

    Holly said about how awful & demeaning the sex was since the release of her book 9 years ago & has always been vocal about that so not sure the surprise. It's old news by now

  • @Sarahlittrell3110
    @Sarahlittrell3110 Год назад +4

    So are we supposed to pretend that it was not about the money? Were these women held against their will? Come one, it was their choice, money for body, quit ccomplaining
    Also lol to her saying she was shy but was "brave" enough to go to a playboy party WTH?

  • @thehawttomboy
    @thehawttomboy Год назад +1

    Westin and I have a lot in common. Especially the morning routine and the importance of being comfortable with YOURSELF. Doing things by yourself, being by yourself, it's a lot of inward self awareness. I can totally relate that it is tough to allow someone in. The energy really has to collide.

    • @thehawttomboy
      @thehawttomboy Год назад

      ambition is huge. constantly wanting to evolve.

  • @jennifervandeusen4765
    @jennifervandeusen4765 Год назад

    Thanks for sharing! 💕

  • @JolieF
    @JolieF 9 месяцев назад

    ❤ Great, and interesting, interview!‼️

  • @all_that_glitters13131
    @all_that_glitters13131 Год назад +2

    It's a boys club. You want Hef to like you. You even got excited you were an A . You weren't kidnapped you were a willing participant. You liked the fame... own your part

  • @LynnetteMcIntire
    @LynnetteMcIntire 10 месяцев назад +2

    she paints him to be such a terrible guy yet, she keeps his last name

  • @kendall2651
    @kendall2651 Год назад +5

    You literally had to pull her teeth in this interview… she doesn’t know how to speak, I feel like she’s trying to play this perfect little victim role & it’s kinda annoying. I do feel for her as I know nobody who didn’t go through something traumatic whether it be financially, or fame hungry, whatever to be with someone like Hef for 10 years, I do not think this is sincere or her truth. I hope one day she can be transparent and maybe she’ll actually be able to heal then.

  • @purplebutterfly5366
    @purplebutterfly5366 7 месяцев назад

    I’m glad and proud that Crystal broke her promise to Hugh Hefner.

  • @SeeShell000
    @SeeShell000 Год назад +2

    This was just an odd interview. I just finished reading crystals book but it seems her energy is off here. I think she’s really over talking about this part of her life. Seems like she doesn’t want to talk about any of it anymore and she’s giving little responses just to promote her book. Idk.

  • @Tanner-ci3zu
    @Tanner-ci3zu Год назад +3

    Why is she acting so weird? Was she super high or something? And she doesn’t directly answer a single question you asked. I wish she acted a little more like she wanted to be there, she just came off kind of rude, slow, and like she just didn’t want to be there

  • @Havingmybby
    @Havingmybby Год назад +6

    I wonder if she got high before this interview. She seems so awkward. I feel like she is off and things dont add up.

  • @sassysandra245
    @sassysandra245 Год назад +10

    Watch at least on 1.25 X speed or faster I promise you and even at that it’s hard to keep your attention!!!

  • @ShinyShady
    @ShinyShady Год назад +4

    It's not a cult. It's awful, it's definitely trafficking, but it's not a cult.

    • @tmbrad1288
      @tmbrad1288 Год назад +2

      I wasn’t trafficking because those women could’ve walked out at anytime but they chose to stay.

    • @ShinyShady
      @ShinyShady Год назад

      @@tmbrad1288 oh Brad, 🤦🏼‍♀️ 1. Some were just brought to parties just so men could “have their way with them”. They didn’t know that was the expectation and they didn’t have a chance to consent. Even Marilyn Grabowski set women up. She’s bring them to parties and leave them know full well what was going to happen. And those parties were up in the Hollywood hills. They didn’t have cell phones or Uber, they were stuck there. 2. Hef worked very hard to make it impossible to leave (the main girlfriends). 3. If it were a cult they still wouldn’t be able to leave. You said it’s not trafficking because they have a choice. You don’t have choice in a cult. And according to you they have a choice to leave so, according to you, it’s not a cult.

    • @ShinyShady
      @ShinyShady Год назад

      @@tmbrad1288 not to mention the men weren’t hero worshiping Hef like he was Jim Jones. They were using him for sex (with other women) drugs and entertainment. Look up Pig Night the dog fucking story.

    • @michaelathompson3310
      @michaelathompson3310 Год назад

      I think it was a cult of personality

  • @VisionsByAnna
    @VisionsByAnna Год назад

    It's really nice to hear the insane reality here in LA..... refreshing to find like-minded individuals who have the true awareness of how " Glorified image, " that for far too long mislead so many and the absurdity of what some still sell their souls for!!!!

  • @AllAboutElle
    @AllAboutElle Год назад +25

    Why does she still use the Hefner name if it was that terrible? Capitalizing on the name??? Still about the money then?

    • @wild9641
      @wild9641 Год назад +3

      Psychological abuse doesn't just go away, even if the person does

    • @ahoymate5059
      @ahoymate5059 Год назад +3

      Also, maybe she’ll change her name back after she finishes her book tour and gets her podcast popular. In the meantime she’s using it for recognition

    • @christinehaley8097
      @christinehaley8097 Год назад

      She's promoting the book. It makes sense to use it now. She said she is going to change it back later.

    • @nicolesellingstuff
      @nicolesellingstuff Год назад +2

      She's using it for this money grab. She's going back to using her maiden name after.

    • @krissynow2024
      @krissynow2024 Год назад

      She did not say good things about him 😂😂😂 she made it incestuous and cultish….maybe those are good things to these people 😂😮😢

  • @greatestever9086
    @greatestever9086 4 месяца назад +1

    So basically she never gave a crap about hef at all lol. He might have been a narcissist but she is as well.

  • @ambo7687
    @ambo7687 Год назад

    I agree with implants, sadly I got some last year but I had breast cancer and had to. 😢

  • @user-xv1kp6qf7h
    @user-xv1kp6qf7h Год назад +5

    She’s confused. If she’s 37 she was in college from 2004-2008 (not 2000-2004 that would be highschool) I know this to be true because I’m 37 & was at sdsu with her. I lived in the dorms (same floor) with her college bf that played hockey. I actually met her once before she was who she is now. Crazy lol. But honestly she’s boring, not a good interviewee , it’s like pulling teeth to get the details & info out of her in any sort of captivating way. Much prefer holly & Bridget and even Kendra . And let’s all be real she was with him for the $$ because she clearly said she wasn’t in love with him and hated sleeping with him…

  • @ep6582
    @ep6582 Год назад +3

    I can’t stand her whispery voice. It’s like she’s extremely tired and uninterested. It was also very disappointing how little she knew about the history of the magazine.

  • @thehawttomboy
    @thehawttomboy Год назад

    the animal a woman wants to work towards is a DEER. she's mysterious. she's divine. she's high-value. she moves in a soft fluid motion. She's independent. She is the epitome of feminine energy. xx -ALLIE

  • @Nina-dm2vw
    @Nina-dm2vw Год назад +2

    It’s interesting how Michael was saying this all wouldn’t happen now with how Hef behaved etc and the nature of the playboy mansion. But they just had on and essentially promoted the 2024 version of Hef which is Dan Bilzerian. It still happens and it’s so wrong.

  • @larainememola4374
    @larainememola4374 Год назад +1

    She seemed much happier when she was there, I have followed her much of that time. If she could do that for 10 years, she should go into acting

    • @sarahlang2119
      @sarahlang2119 Год назад

      And you saw what of her when she was there? Tiiny snippets on an edited reality show where producers kept asking her to be more outgoing? TV interviews when Hef told her in advance what to say? Read her book and you'll see whether she was happy or not

    • @larainememola4374
      @larainememola4374 Год назад

      @@sarahlang2119 of course i read her book, i always loved Crystal!!! still following her on all platforms and wish her all the very best!!

    • @marilyndoll2929
      @marilyndoll2929 Год назад

      Its called a woman scorned.She still feels bitter that she accepted Heff do orgies with her.Plus she is tired of being labled a goldigger so only way out of all that is claim she a victim.

  • @bluecollarlit
    @bluecollarlit Год назад +2

    I like Crystal's interviews.
    Some commenters complain about her speaking style and suggest she get more media training.
    But if she gets more media training she will sound the same as everyone else who gives interviews.

  • @vianeymonroy1025
    @vianeymonroy1025 Год назад +12

    She’s boring

  • @bec6384
    @bec6384 Год назад +1

    She’s still really broken. I think not having her dad and her mom pushing her into that world really messed her up.
    I don’t think she can heal because she doesn’t have God in her life. I pray she finds him and is able to fully recover.

    • @sarahlang2119
      @sarahlang2119 Год назад +1

      Oh, please. Just cos some people think God is real doesn't mean others need to share that delusion to heal

    • @marilyndoll2929
      @marilyndoll2929 Год назад

      @@sarahlang2119 Why are you all over the comments defending this goldigger? Oh i see its because you dont have God in your life and you want to hate on other like Crystal does.She biting the hand that fed her just like Holly did as well.

    • @TheLauraVEffect
      @TheLauraVEffect 11 месяцев назад +2

      Some of us never met either of our parents and have still never chose a lifestyle for money to then play victim to. Yikes.

  • @hbunnie
    @hbunnie Год назад +3

    Great interview really like & respect Crystal. Wishing her all the best in life

  • @lindatheresa8449
    @lindatheresa8449 Год назад +4

    I would like to read Crystal's book. She's had quite a life already.

  • @mishyd802
    @mishyd802 Год назад +1

    A 21 year old most of us don’t know who we are at 21 and your brain is still growing until you’re 25, so if you get under the influence of someone like that awful human (Heff) I can see it I can see how somebody falls for the whole thing, security fame fortune being taken care of by an older man, especially if your father died young. Because your brain is so grown until you’re 25 nobody knows who they are at that age you’re still a child in my opinion you’re still a child at 21 in a certain way.

    • @marilyndoll2929
      @marilyndoll2929 Год назад +1

      So if a 21 year old rapes a 12 year old would you defend the part where the 21 year olds Brain isn't developed yet?

    • @TheLauraVEffect
      @TheLauraVEffect 11 месяцев назад +1

      She had no problem leaving him the first four times... 😂

  • @AllAboutElle
    @AllAboutElle Год назад +14

    Strange girl.

  • @sunshine22723
    @sunshine22723 Год назад +2

    She married someone who could have been her grandfather 😮

  • @hannahw90hw
    @hannahw90hw Год назад +2

    On the implant thing. I have naturally large breasts but last year I lost a dramatic amount of weight and lost 2 cup sizes. And I know what you mean about breathing and neck pain. I got back to my normal weight and they're big again. But I didn't make that connection til now

  • @TracyGreen-th7vi
    @TracyGreen-th7vi Год назад +1

    Why do I keep feeling uncomfortable as though she’s trying to talk sexy?! It’s odd

  • @lovethyself3989
    @lovethyself3989 Год назад +2

    I can’t stand this women. They all loved him supposedly, enjoy the spotlight, the glam, the money, now that he’s deceased, they are all victims😂. They have no other talent ?

  • @HollyDavis-q6n
    @HollyDavis-q6n Год назад +4

    I usually love your podcasts, I didn't like this one at all. She seemed so uncomfortable, and when Lauren asked her questions, it didn't even seem like she was answering anything just like um um um...

  • @karenmilne3311
    @karenmilne3311 Год назад

    Why are your sponsees only pictures of the company and not the products? At least they are easy to skip by cause I find them very boring ads😓

  • @CharmedValerie
    @CharmedValerie Год назад +2

    This is excruciating to watch. Good job to Micheal and Lauryn for…trying.

  • @bambina772
    @bambina772 Год назад +1

    The chemistry between you guys 😂

  • @Yerpompous
    @Yerpompous Год назад +2

    Agonizing to listen too.
    You say how interesting it would be to hear about his past and C says yeah I know about his past and you just IGNORE that opportunity to ask ANY questions and move on to another topic!!
    You guys are all asleep here!!

  • @lorenab808
    @lorenab808 11 месяцев назад

    I skipped to the part where they talk about breast implant illness because my mom had that hapoen to her and I was interested to see the differences/similarities. Its the only part of this interview that I would say is worth listening to.

    • @TheLauraVEffect
      @TheLauraVEffect 11 месяцев назад +1

      When you have breast implant illness, you're not supposed to get any type of filler, as the same thing will happen again. Strange she has so much filler, as if she thinks no one is educated enough to know better.

  • @ninasky8975
    @ninasky8975 Год назад +2

    How much commercials does this have ??? Why am I paying for RUclips

  • @kowgyrl
    @kowgyrl Год назад +2

    Heff didn't read the books on power... he wrote them.

  • @Happy.mamaaa
    @Happy.mamaaa Год назад +6

    Lauryn + Michael you guys are amazing interviewers. Crystal seems like something is on her mind.

  • @amber-lynne9537
    @amber-lynne9537 Год назад +3

    The math is not mathing here, she moves in 2009, he dies in 2017, that is not a decade, minus the time she bolted out of her wedding, not sure how long she stayed away before she came running back but again she was not there 10 years 🤭

  • @dreamwhite2886
    @dreamwhite2886 Год назад +5

    So.. this is just odd!
    Hefner dated some of the most beautiful women in the world, “ naturally “ beautiful back in the day before the massive amounts of injections/ boat loads of plastic surgery.
    How did she get in to the circle & marry him?! I feel bad but she is so basic, painfully, painfully awkward, cheesy, seems like she either has multiple personalities or is faking. What is with this super sad down talk?! I can’t even explain how bizarre it seems 🤷‍♀️

    • @amber-lynne9537
      @amber-lynne9537 Год назад +1

      I think the only reason hef married her is because he didn't want his last gf to walk out on him, he knew his time was coming and didn't want to die alone 🤷🏼‍♀️ that's my guess though

    • @sarahlang2119
      @sarahlang2119 Год назад

      I can't even explain how bizarre it is that you thought it was OK to post what you posted.

  • @HeyItsAlli007
    @HeyItsAlli007 Год назад +1

    crazy how many ppl r shami g her for marrying him despite not loving him/for money. babes. he was flashy w his money, he picked young naive women, and he knew how to do things to make it look like the girls were in the wrong. do you think 60 year olds have enough in common with 20 year olds to fall in love with them either? NO! what is not clicking! it was supposed to be “mutually beneficial” and that DOESNT JUSTIFY HIM ABUSING HER!!

    • @sarahlang2119
      @sarahlang2119 Год назад +1

      Well said!

    • @marilyndoll2929
      @marilyndoll2929 Год назад +1

      How is it abuse if he never forced her to do things he asked her and she said yes.Its like me going on a date with a rich man and he tells me he does orgies i have the option to not date him again or to keep on dating him.Its so simple she stayed cause of money and fame no one put a gun to her head.

    • @HeyItsAlli007
      @HeyItsAlli007 Год назад

      @@marilyndoll2929 you know absolutely nothing about power dynamics or abusers who frame things as “it’s your choice” but make it terrible to say no. you lack the proper understanding for this conversation i can already tell. i am not engaging further

    • @HeyItsAlli007
      @HeyItsAlli007 Год назад

      @@marilyndoll2929 and whatever if she stayed for that it doesn’t justify him abusing her once she stayed dipshit

    • @HeyItsAlli007
      @HeyItsAlli007 Год назад

      @@marilyndoll2929 if people just got up and left the second things got abusive, abuse wouldn’t exist. it is calculated, so that it can either. be swept under the rug, twisted to make the abuser look good or even rile up the victim enough to get angry and turn around and call them the abuser. it is complicated and hard to escape and you clearly lack understanding.

  • @JubiDC
    @JubiDC Год назад +1

    This is a horrible interview. The interviewers seem much more invested in pushing their own opinions. Anyone interested in the story should get Crystal's audiobook, Only Say Good Things." It's very well written and beautifully read by Crystal herself.

  • @KaitlynLoveXo
    @KaitlynLoveXo Год назад +13

    Should of interviewed holly and Bridgette she was a rebound and a replacement of holly I just can’t take this woman series

    • @dextermoore278
      @dextermoore278 Год назад +1


  • @orchidstar81
    @orchidstar81 Год назад +5

    She's 37 but went to SDSU from 2000-2004?

    • @michaelathompson3310
      @michaelathompson3310 Год назад +3

      I think she confused her high school years, seems like she would have been at college 2004-2008

  • @torirobinson1409
    @torirobinson1409 Год назад +4

    Ok, I’m sorry but I’ve now watched Crystal on this podcast and one episode of HER podcast, and she has to be one of the WORST conversationalist I’ve ever heard!

  • @musanyathi2298
    @musanyathi2298 Год назад +2

    Has Crystal apologied to Holly?

  • @dominiquedoeslife
    @dominiquedoeslife Год назад +1

    This comments section is a real viper’s pit.

  • @They.Call.Me.Nicole34
    @They.Call.Me.Nicole34 Год назад +5

    She seems really sad and depressed.

  • @zinilebt6002
    @zinilebt6002 Год назад +6

    Playboy Mansion sounds a little like a modern slave market...

    • @DG-nb6fe
      @DG-nb6fe Год назад

      Only the last 25 years of Heff’s life, when he was younger Playboy was looked at as cool and sophisticated.
      It’s only when Heff got older that he and the Playboy brand became dark and creepy.

  • @ambo7687
    @ambo7687 Год назад +1

    It’s a myth to do them every 10 years my plastic surgeon said you don’t have to unless you have an issue and most people don’t

  • @purplebutterfly5366
    @purplebutterfly5366 7 месяцев назад

    The PlayBoy Mansion should have been shut down a long time ago while Hugh Hefner was alive…

  • @RianShafer
    @RianShafer Год назад +1

    I see that so many of the former girlfriends felt exactly the same in so many aspects. The only former girlfriend that went in with a healthy sense of self, IMO, was Bridget & even she wound up with moments of "am I enough?" and the majority were looking for a place to belong & security. A lot of young people are looking for the security of someone who will take care of them & their needs. Kind of like having a good parent & maybe a loving spouse. They were not going to get this in Hef but they did have some security, better than they had, and this is how they fall into the Rabbit Hole that was life at the mansion. I can look back on my life when I was young & it was society norms that kept me from ever feeling pretty enough or thin enough. I most certainly was & luckily there was no social media or access to plastic surgery for whatever we were lacking in. We had misc.Teen magazines & Cosmo to follow. These girls weren't that far behind my generation of 20 somethings trying to find where they fit in. I feel 100% different about Crystal after watching just a few interviews with her. Had I been her, I would have felt obliged to marry someone who had no one but me at the end. I'm proud of her for nixing the implants & bleached out hair which told Hef, take it or leave it, this is me..

  • @stefaniecuadra2582
    @stefaniecuadra2582 11 месяцев назад +2

    did she take a bunch of Xanax before the interview

  • @osxow1
    @osxow1 Год назад +2

    People judge all hef's girlfriends way too much.... Like they said in this episode it Is like instagram models and only fans nowdays ... I would like yo know what about their parents and what they didn't opposed to this

  • @Strongbienesyraices
    @Strongbienesyraices Год назад +2

    Some people are great interviewees! Some are not… 😅

  • @skotmatthews8940
    @skotmatthews8940 6 месяцев назад

    42:13 thats a very cogent analysis of insecurities for super attractive people